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Team in Training

Many of those who exercise so intensively like to expend their
energies for charity. Mr. Lemle says he recently completed a
bike ride to benefit the Hudson Valley and the Westchester

Next month, he plans on traveling to Massachusetts for the
Pan-Mass Challenge, which raises money for cancer research.

Many triathletes raise money for causes when they compete.
For instance John Steigerwald of Larchmont, a veteran of rigorous
Ironman triathlons, will compete this year in the Westchester
Triathlon, among others, and raise money for the Association.
But in addition to medical charities, he has raised thousands
for the renovation of a local Larchmont park.

If I can do it, a lot of people can, Mr. Steigerwald said it's just
about committing yourself.

For those interested in charity sports events, free training is
available from the Team in Training, which is sponsored by
the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. According to Ms. Bull,
a mentor in the program, even novice athletes can join the
Team in Training if they raise the minimum contribution.

In return, the group provides free triathlon training as
well as two mentors like Ms. Bull to monitor progress.

"We try to get them well prepared and give them a lot of encouragement",
she said, adding that the shared interest of a good cause gives athletes
"a great sense of being on a team".


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