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CFA mastery

How much do you need to know to pass the CFA ? Here is some
advice for Chartered Financial Analyst aspirants.

They do not mean - have a general idea or sense of the material
or be able to pick the concept out of a lineup based on your
initial impression or cued recall

They do mean Very quickly, relative to similar concepts and
formulas, distingush and differentiate the key concepts, recall
the special exceptions or impacts that the concept had on other
concepts, be able to calculate forward and back into or out of
the relevant formula, and finally (the test taking part) be able
to quickly pick out the imbedded error or limiting factor in each
the accompanying 'wrong' answers among the choices presented so
that you can pick that which is least or most likely to conform
to the issue or question presented.

See also CFA, FRM communities.

[via analystforum]

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